Sunday, October 11, 2015


Wonderfullllll !!!!!
Make sure you keep this open a minute or so
and forward on so that you can see the rain in the paintings.
The Rain - by Thomas Kinkade

Stop at the picture for a second, and watch the Rain . . . then read on . . . 

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Hope the water flows when you get the picture
...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

This is a Thomas Kinkade painting. It is rumoured to carry a miracle!

The water is supposed to be running, so if it's not moving then the picture
didn't come through entirely.

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

They say if you pass this on, you will receive a miracle,
I am passing this on because I thought it was really pretty,
and besides, who couldn't use a miracle? 

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